5 Mistakes Men Make to Get Shot Down with Women
Mistake #1: Being Overly Nice
The Guy that shows up with roses and goes out of his way to show the woman that he is really interested in her, usually doesn’t go very far in the relationship. Women like the thrill of the chase too. Have you ever noticed that really attractive women tend to date the guys who hold back A LOT and many people view as a jerk? You don’t have to prove that you are a nice guy. It makes you look desperate. Hold back until you’ve been dating a few month. She will appreciate you more in the long run.
Mistake #2: Trying To "Convince Her To Like You"
Don’t try to convince her that you are date worthy. It is falling on deaf ears and you are making yourself look pathetic. If she isn’t
interested, and she is telling you so, convincing her to go on a date is just going to make your wallet lighter and not give you the end results you desire. Move on and find someone else.
Mistake #3: Looking To Her For Approval
Women like strong men. Men who are wussy don’t score any points with women. Women want someone who is strong and decisive. Remember that biologically, the men are "the hunter." A wimpy hunter is not appealing. Healthy women don’t want someone who will over-power them, but at least matches her energy. Be decisive when you are setting a date. Have an idea of what want to do on the date. You don’t need her approval. Just be thoughtful in your choice.
Mistake #4: Buying Her Affection
How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her reject you for someone who didn’t treat her even Half as well as you did? Trying too hard with a woman will result in you getting shot down. Woman believe that you think you have to compensate for some shortcoming by showing us with attention and affection. It makes us believe that you are insecure. Your good intentions usually come across to women as over-compensation for insecurity, and weak attempts at manipulation. That’s right, I said that women see this as MANIPULATION.
Mistake #5: Sharing "How You Feel" Too Early In The Dating Process
Don’t suck the mystery out of the dating process. Women doubt the sincerity of men who profess to have strong feelings for women early in the game. You don’t even know her. You won’t really know her until you’ve dated for several months (six or more). Professing how you feel makes a woman believe that you jump to quick judgment of people. Although some women will be flattered, the women with a decent self-esteem with be heading for the door. Okay, so the hormones are working in over-drive. She doesn’t have to know that.

The Guy that shows up with roses and goes out of his way to show the woman that he is really interested in her, usually doesn’t go very far in the relationship. Women like the thrill of the chase too. Have you ever noticed that really attractive women tend to date the guys who hold back A LOT and many people view as a jerk? You don’t have to prove that you are a nice guy. It makes you look desperate. Hold back until you’ve been dating a few month. She will appreciate you more in the long run.
Mistake #2: Trying To "Convince Her To Like You"
Don’t try to convince her that you are date worthy. It is falling on deaf ears and you are making yourself look pathetic. If she isn’t
interested, and she is telling you so, convincing her to go on a date is just going to make your wallet lighter and not give you the end results you desire. Move on and find someone else.
Mistake #3: Looking To Her For Approval
Women like strong men. Men who are wussy don’t score any points with women. Women want someone who is strong and decisive. Remember that biologically, the men are "the hunter." A wimpy hunter is not appealing. Healthy women don’t want someone who will over-power them, but at least matches her energy. Be decisive when you are setting a date. Have an idea of what want to do on the date. You don’t need her approval. Just be thoughtful in your choice.
Mistake #4: Buying Her Affection
How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her reject you for someone who didn’t treat her even Half as well as you did? Trying too hard with a woman will result in you getting shot down. Woman believe that you think you have to compensate for some shortcoming by showing us with attention and affection. It makes us believe that you are insecure. Your good intentions usually come across to women as over-compensation for insecurity, and weak attempts at manipulation. That’s right, I said that women see this as MANIPULATION.
Mistake #5: Sharing "How You Feel" Too Early In The Dating Process
Don’t suck the mystery out of the dating process. Women doubt the sincerity of men who profess to have strong feelings for women early in the game. You don’t even know her. You won’t really know her until you’ve dated for several months (six or more). Professing how you feel makes a woman believe that you jump to quick judgment of people. Although some women will be flattered, the women with a decent self-esteem with be heading for the door. Okay, so the hormones are working in over-drive. She doesn’t have to know that.
