The best place to find good stories, great quotes and many such interesting things is your e-mail inbox. Here I am opening the good things of my inbox for you. Read enjoy and visit to send your feedback about this blog.
Subrato Bagchi is founder of Mindtree Consulting. He is a great ideologist, revolutionary in thots, and you can find his weekly column in "Business World" magazine. Address by Subroto Bagchi (a man who was vice- president for Lucent Technologies and Wipro with just a Political science degree from Utkal University ) Chief Operating Officer, Mind Tree consulting to the Class of 2006 at the IIM, Bangalore on defining success. I was the last child of a small-time government servant, in a family of five brothers. My earliest memory of my father is as that of a District Employment Officer in Koraput, Orissa. It was, and remains as back of beyond as you can imagine. There was no electricity; no primary school nearby and water did not flow out of a tap. As a result, I did not go to school until the age of eight; I was home-schooled. My father used to get transferred every year. The family belongings fit into the back of a jeep - so the family moved from place to place and without any...
HUMOR — Barney Corkhill's Great Quotes series moves on from baseball to cricket. In this series I look at a selection of the very best quotes to ever grace various sports. The quotes aren't just from players, coaches and commentators, but anyone who has ever said a good quote to do with the chosen sport! Some are intentional, some aren't, I'll leave you to make your own mind up! So, without further adieu, lets look at the first 20 great quotes from Cricket! Enjoy! "A very small crowd here today. I can count the people on one hand. Can't be more than 30" - Michael Abrahamson "Strangely, in slow motion, the ball seemed to hang in the air for even longer" - David Acfield "Like an elephant trying to do the pole vault" - Jonathan Agnew as heavyweight Pakistan captain Inzamam-Ul-Haq falls over his own stumps "Botham just couldn't quite get his leg over" - Jonathan Agnew as Ian Botham tries in vain to lift his leg o...
I pass through this very intersection every morning with so much ease. Today, the pace is skewed. There is a sense of disarray as motorists try to push past each other through the traffic light. The light here always tests their agility because if you miss the green, you have to wait for another three minutes before it lets you go past again. Those three minutes become eternity for an otherwise time-insensitive nation on the move. Today, there is a sense of chaos here. People are honking, skirting each other and rushing past. I look out of my window to seek the reason. It is not difficult to find because it is lying strewn all over the place. A tomato seller’s cart has overturned. There are tomatoes everywhere and the rushing motorists are making pulp of it. The man is trying to get his cart back on its four rickety wheels and a few passersby are picking up what they can in an attempt to save him total loss. Though symbolic in the larger scheme of things, it is not a substantive gestur...