Great wisdom not applied to action and behavior is meaningless data
"Great wisdom not applied to action and behavior is meaningless data."- Peter Drucker Knowledge workers are people who know more about what they are doing than their boss does. My guess is that you, like most of my readers, are a knowledge worker. Many knowledge workers (especially those with technical backgrounds) have years of education and experience that enable them to come up with great ideas. Yet this same group has almost no training in how to "influence up" and ensure that their great ideas actually get accepted. Great ideas that are never implemented don't make much of an impact on the organization. The guidelines listed below are intended to help you do a better job of influencing your upper management. They won't always ensure your success, but they will definitely improve your odds! Take responsibility. Think like a salesperson-not a technician. In many ways, influencing up is similar to selling products or services to external customers. They do...